Over a year ago, I gave an old analysis of what the hell is the meaning behind Yankee Rose. So, giving it the old college try, I am going to share my results with you, my precious readers. "Yankee Rose." -The very last page of the Satanic Bible. The final words of the Satanic Bible, "Yankee Rose," have been mulled over, analyzed, debated, and discussed by many a Satanist and even some non-Satanists, alike. So what does it all mean? Well, LaVey himself was a fan of Sousa and all of his rousing marches. He was even known to play them on his organ, with hair-raising results. I never actually listened to the original Yankee Rose until today, and it is, in fact, a march. A patriotic march to be exact, which Sousa was known for, especially his most widely beloved piece, Stars, and Stripes Forever. Now, Yankee Rose was not put together by Sousa, but it does have the patriotic flair of his work. I do not see LaVey as a nationalist; he would shun
Walk on the Third Side is a Satanic blog presented by me, Warlock D.A. Here we'll walk down infernal roads, dark paths, and tantalizing trails! So won't you join me, dear reader, as we take a walk on the "Third Side?"